The NUFARUL brand was born in 1994. It derived as an entity from a company named SPERANTA, a sub branch of the state owner association called CURATATORIE CHIMICA. It has managed to become the leader of the dry cleaning industry in Moldova.
Since 1998 NUFARUL has been continuously updating it's dry cleaning and washing technologies in order to stay on the cutting edge of the developments in the industry. As part of this process, the company rebuilt an entire network of dry cleaning facilities, services and reception points. It has also implemented new technologies that have revolutionized and improved the way the company works.
In 2010 the company implements the international quality management system ISO: 9001-2008. The new and stronger NUFARUL has placed the customer at the center of their efforts and has been focusing on high standards for client satisfaction, sound company growth, the increase of safety in the workplace for its employees and a proactive behavior towards the environment.
International acknowledgments and honors:
Our mission includes the following goals:
Cleanliness is an integral part of civilized society and the upkeep of cleanliness of the garments and other clothing items that we use is imperative to our daily lives. Modern living maintains a certain standard of cleanliness and the safety of the cleaning methods.
Kreussler, SEITX, Ecolan , Fenice, Firbimatic, ITALCLEAN, Elctrolux are a few of the world’s leaders in the cleaning industry equipment manufacturing and technology development that NUFARUL can call its partners. The usage of advanced technologies, the expertise of the staff coupled with the vast list of services rendered account for a positive impact on the quality of services that the company provides. The consequent impact is an increase in the level of customer satisfaction.
For decades, NUFARUL has been using both the traditionally efficient technologies of dry cleaning based on German, Italian and French solvents as well as AQUA technologies of dry cleaning in a wet environment. All the products used in the dry cleaning process (stain removal, presoaking stains, dry cleaning, dying) have the appropriate compliance certificates and authorizations.
The usage of equipment manufactured in Italy (FIRBOMATIC, COOCHI) that offers custom solutions for any clothing item is a guarantee of the preservation of the original size and shape of the garment.
In order to ensure that our clients get a good night’s sleep NUFARUL offers cleaning of feathered pillows and is proud to be the most efficient cleaning service for this particular product in the country. The content of the pillows is washed and disinfected. It is then, placed into new pillow envelopes using specially designed machinery. The pillow envelopes can be of different sizes and colors as per the client’s request. If the client decides they want to participate in the dry cleaning process of the pillows they are invited to assist our staff in the procedure.
Carpet cleaning is a complex process that includes:
The carpet drying process takes place in a specifically designed drying room. Special chemical agents imported from Germany, Israel and other countries are used for the drying process. Nufarul is the proud owner of innovative technologies imported from the United States that eliminates unpleasant odors on clothing items, carpets and other objects.
Nufarul continually diversifies its services.
Corporate Governance Code of "Nufărul" S.A.
Aviz de convocare a adunarii generale extraordinare a actionarilor din 12.10.2018
Hotărârea privind emisiunea valorilor mobiliare din 12.10.2018
Darea de seama privind rezultatele emisiunii valorilor mobiliare
Aviz de convocare a Adunarii generale extraordinare a actionarilor NUFARUL S.A. din 04.04.19
Aviz de convocare a Adunării generale ordinare anuale a acţionarilor din 24 mai 2019.
Raportul anual al NUFARUL S.A pentru anul 2018 (Anexa nr.1).
Declarație de guvernanță corporativă pentru anul 2018.
Comunicat informativ cu privire la deciziile Adunării generale a acționarilor din 24.05.2019
I am very happy with the services NUFĂRUL provided for me. I especially appreciate the timeliness of the delivery, the attitude of the staff and personal behavior.
As a loyal customer, I can confidently say that NUFARUL provides high quality services at the right price in a timely fashion.